70+ Things you must know before buying a laptop | Complete Laptop buying guide | How to buy a laptop


    Anyone can suggest you Best laptops but nobody is going to tell you how to buy a laptop.

 Whenever you will go to buy a laptop in the shop...The shop keeper will ask you "Tell me sir, which laptop will I show you", "Which type of Laptop you want to buy ?", "Of which configuration will I show you the best laptop ?". Your answer to any of these questions let the shop-keeper decides whether you will be in loss or in profit! If your answer will be like show me the laptop in which gives me the best performance, Show me any laptop in which I can play GTA-5, or show me any laptop in which I can do programming! Then according to your purpose, your need...maybe you require a laptop of 30-35k while the shop-keeper can sell your laptop of 60-70k. Because shop-keeper will show you only that laptop in which his margin is more. But after watching my this video nobody can make you fool while buying a new Laptop.

In this video, I had covered (A-Z) everything which you need to know before buying any Laptop. At last, I had given some tips for purchasing Best Laptop. 

Answer of your all questions...

Before buying a Laptop Five basics and Most important thing you need to know about is...

  • Processor
  • RAM
  • Storage
  • Graphics Card  
  • Upgrade-able

1. Processor

First, let us discuss the processor and the things you must know before buying. 
Processor: In every computer and laptop you will see processor of two Brands only
  • Intel 
  • AMD

Q. Which Processor is the Best and which processor will I need to Buy?

Q. Will I buy AMD or INTEL?

From my Point of view, it depends on your budget. If your budget is less still you want a Laptop which gives you high performance. Then I will suggest you go for AMD else you must buy Intel. Performance is not only all about the processor...It also depends on cache memory, Cores, RAM, Storage, Graphics card...etc. But to get little idea about which processor will be better than which processor? You can analyze by comparing "Benchmark" of every processor. 

! Benchmark will be upload soon !

Q. Which are the processors of Intel?

Processors of Intel are Atom, Celeron, Pentium, i3, i5, i7, i9.
Intel PentiumIntel atomintel processors

Q. Which are the processors of AMD? 

Processors of AMD are AMD E2, AMD A4 & A6, A8, A9, A10, A12, and Ryzen 3, Ryzen 5, Ryzen 7.
TechTalker shubh
AMD A series
TechTalker shubh
TechTalker shub

Techtalker shubhtechtalker shubh

Processor for the specific task

Comparison of each processor:

Q. Which processor I need to buy as per my need, purpose, and work?

techtalker shubh

Techtalker shubhtechtalker shubhtechtalker shubhtechtalker shubh

Thing You Must Know/Check Before Purchasing Any Processor is ......
(GENERATION) of processor

As per the current year, 2020-21 Latest Generation is 10th Gen
Q. Of which minimum "Generation" should I buy If my budget is low?
You can go for the minimum to minimum 8th gen.

Q. How should I know of which Generation processor is embedded in my laptop?
Q. Will I need to open my laptop and check what's inside?
    No, you don't need to open your Laptop. Generally, Every Laptop Brands and writing like intel core i5 8265 - (Here, the first digit shows GEN. ). This is the 8th generation Intel core i5 processor. Other examples...If there was 9500 instead of 8265 then this is CPU of 9th Gen. Similarly, the First digit of any number after the name of the model of Intel processors shows Generation.

Q. The buying processor of the old Generation will affect my battery?
    Yes, it will affect your battery life. Because Processor is one type of circuit in which there are small chips and too many transistors you will see. So, as this company brings a processor of the new generation by improving and making the size of the transistor smaller and smaller because of these it will take less power so that it can be extended the life of the battery and make it more efficient. Always buy the processor of the latest gen. as much as possible.   

Q. What is "Cores"? 
    You had seen 2-4 cores, 8 cores. To understand this let us take an example. There are two men. One man has 2-4 mouth while the other one has 8 mouths. Now, you give 8 -8 ladoos to eat both the man. Then, as a result, First men will eat less ladoo's as compared to the other one in the same period of time. As it has less mouth. i.e more the number of mouth more ladoos he can eat. Mean to say more the cores of your processor more the task you can process. 

2. RAM

Q. What RAM does? And how much maximum RAM can I upgrade on my laptop?
    In RAM, you might have heard RAM of 4GB, 8GB, 16GB on laptops. But as we have seen Generation in processor similarly there is also Generation in RAM. The oldest Generation of RAM in computer/Laptop is DDR1, Then DDR2, DDR3, and the latest generation of RAM is DDR4. Sometimes RAM of 8Gb is not even equivalent to 2GB of RAM.  Because there was a possibility that it was RAM of old  Gen. 
    To understand how much ram you can upgrade in your Laptop come in Flashback of ladoo scenario. There how much ladoo's that men were eating was processing but How fast that men can eat Ladoos that depends on how much the amount of your RAM. But wait a min........
It doesn't mean to increase your ram in the i3 processor to 8GB/16GB. Because he can eat only 8 ladoos max. even after if you increase the speed of eating ladoos!!
    I mean to say that for i3 max 4GB RAM is enough, and for i5 minimum, you must have 8GB. Coz there was one Laptop of Acer in which it was offering a Laptop of i5 in less price but with 4GB of ram. It is as like you can eat more ladoos but you are not eating. 

 Didn't understood ladoo?? 
    Let us understand in technical terms...
        As you open any program First it will load in your RAM memory. let's say it takes 2GB of RAM. Now you open another program which also takes 2GB of RAM. Assume that here you have only 4GB of max. RAM. So, now if you are trying to open another program your computer\laptops start lagging. Because it doesn't have a memory where it can load your third program. 

Q. Buying RAM of the old Generation will affect my battery?
    Yes, it will definitely affect your battery life, and in the future, there is a possibility that the production of old ram will stop. So that you will not able to upgrade your old RAM. DDR4 is the latest RAM as per the current year.

3. Storage

In the storage you will see two options HDD/SSD Other is obtained.
Techtalker shubhTechTalker Shubh

Q. What is HDD and What is SSD? What is the difference between SSD and HDD?
    Storage is used to store your data like movies, install software, photos, etc. HDD is Hard Disk Drive while SSD is Solid State Drive. HDD is made up of a cylinder which is also called a mechanical drive while SSD is made up of chips which are based on the latest technology and more efficient than HDD.

Q. Is SSD more efficient? If yes, then  How?
    SSD gives you more performance and less storage while ...
    HDD gives you more storage and less performance.
Q. What SSD does that HDD can't?
    If SSD is there in your laptop then it takes only 5-6 seconds to boot i.e to start your laptop and maximum it will take around 15-20 seconds. But, if there is HDD on your laptop then it will take 1-2 minutes. SSD is 5x more efficient than HDD. If will also boost performance in your running software.
It will also cost more for SSD.

Q.  Do I Need SSD on my laptop?
    This SSD is not for everyone. If your laptop boots in 5 min. or 5 sec. It doesn't matter for you and you don't want to use heavy software then I recommend you to go for HDD only because of SSD you can see the major price difference in your laptop.

Q. Which should I buy and is there any alternate option? What is SSHD?
    Yes, there is one option that I would like to recommend to you that goes for SSHD? Now, what new is this SSHD? This is nothing but the combination of High performance + High storage which is called Solid State Hybrid Drive. It will also cost more as compared to only HDD and only SSD. But If you can increase your budget then go for this. 128GB/256GB SSD + 1GB HDD. This will give you a rocket boost in your performance.

Q. Which storage is better for a low budget?
    Still, confused your budget is low and wants only HDD or only SSD? But If your budget is low and performance matters to you then I would like to suggest you go for ONLY SSD. The reason is later on you can easily buy an HDD and install it on your laptop but you can't buy SSD because it is very costly as compared to SSD. 
    Variants you can see in SSD in 128 GB, 256 GB, 512 GB. You must go for 512 GB coz again SSD is very costly...

Q. But How Much..????   
    You can buy 1TB HDD is the price of 128 GB SSD.

Q. But What If I can buy SSD later and want to install SSD in my laptop...Can I?
    Yes, You can If your laptop have m.2 slot. Don't forget to check this If you are thinking to install SSD later. 
    Without that, you can't!!!

4. Graphics card

techtalker shubh
Q. What is the Graphic card?    
    Graphics card is the dedicated chip inside your laptop responsible for the quality of visuals you see on your screen.

Q. Do I need Graphic card¿
    Integrated graphic card will also serve your purpose unless and until you don't have to do heavy tasks.

Q. Who are making graphic cards? Which are the best graphic card manufacturer?
    On every laptop, you will see only two graphic cards...
  • Nvidia - Geforce/GTX/RTX
  • AMD
Nvidea is the one of the most popular brand in graphics card.
Q. What is an integrated graphic card?
    An integrated graphics card is the one that you get on your laptop. It comes with every laptop. Which is sufficient for daily light work.

    In intel processor, you will get UHD *** graphics while in AMD maybe you will get Radeon Vega ***.

Q. What is the difference between integrated Graphic card and dedicated Graphic card?
    Integrated graphic cards are present in most of the laptops in that you can watch movies and do very light photo editing.

    While dedicated Graphics card is required for heavy gaming, video editing and photo editing. Because it more powerful as compared to integrated graphics Card.

Q. Which Graphic card should I buy If I have low budget¿
    You can go for mx130, 150 or mx230, 250. These two are the entry level graphics card which you will see when you buy laptop with graphic card on low budget.
Q. Is there any difference between mx 130,150 & MX 230, 250¿
    Very minor difference is there  by which we can say that both are same. But mx 230 mx 250 was released in year 2019-20. So, it is latest graphics card as compared to mx 130 and mx 250. In light weight laptops also you will get one of these two graphics card.

Q. Is these mx 130, 150 & mx 230, 250 is suitable for gaming¿ If not then which¿
    Light gaming you can do in these graphics card but I will recommend you to go for entry level graphics card of gaming that is nvidea GTX 1050 then, 1050Ti.

5. Upgradability 

Q. What is Upgradability in laptop? 

Q. Which laptop I have to buy... Upgradable or non-upgradable?

To understand Upgradability in laptop let us assume that you bought a laptop with 8GB of ram now after few years your laptop starts lagging and you want to upgrade your ram. Then you go to shop but there the shopkeeper said that you can't upgrade your RAM.
The reason is your RAM is soldered with mother board. So, you can't upgrade your RAM. 

I.e I have to buy a upgradable Laptop if I'm thinking for a long term usage.

These were some basics and most important thing which you must know & check before buying a Good laptop.

Now, there are some other things which you should know about...

1. Operating System (OS):

Q. What is Operating system?
    OS is the software by which you can use your laptop and run your Machine. Without OS you can't operate your machine.
So, I must need a os to operate my laptop. But which os I need...
Q.  Which are the operating system available is market? 
  • DOS
  • Windows
  • Chrome os
  • Linux
  • Mac os 
Q. Which should I buy and Why?
    I recommend you to buy DOS because in DOS you can save Rs. 3-4k. But in these OS😁😂you can't install/run softwares after buying these you can install pirated😁🙌 or you can also install any os like windows, linux in your laptop.

So, If I get my specific model in DOS I will go for that to save my money. 😁🙌

Yes, definitely but generally you will get pre-installed windows in you laptop which you want to buy. You will be lucky if you get your desired laptop in DOS.

2. MS office:

Q. Will I get ms office pre-installed in every laptop?
    No, you will not get pre-installed ms office in every laptop only few brands are offering with life time period. This is the good thing if you get ms office for lifetime because in future you must need ms office. 
Oh..! Yeah...😁or else I need to install pirated or I have to buy. 🥺

3. Screen Size: 

techtalker shubh
Screen size is the diagonal measurement of size of your display (viewable area).
 Q. Which are the available screen sizes in market of laptop?
    In most of laptops you will see sizes are 13 inch, 13.3 inch (mostly in mac), 14 inch, 15.6 inch. 

Q. Which is the best screen size for laptop? 
    I recommend you to buy 14 inch laptop which is medium in size.

Q. Why should I consider 14 inch laptop?
Reason 1. You can't carry bigger and heavier laptop easily in your bag & everywhere. While the purpose of laptop is that you can easily Carry your laptop everywhere.
Reason 2. There is high chance that you display will crack soon + from where you laptop opens that can also break.
Reason 3. More bigger the size more heavier will be the laptop.
I.e I have to buy a laptop of smaller size which also gives more portability and it will be light in weight.
Not at all..
If you want more ports then you can go for 15.6 inch laptops but not more than that... because in small laptop you will get less ports.

4. Type of display 

In every laptop you will see two types of display...
  • Matte
  • Glossy

Techtalker shubhTechTalker shubh

Q. What is matte & glossy?
    Many times you have seen your own face on screen this is because you have glossy display.
    You mean to say that in matte I can't see my own face🙄 and any type reflection...🤩
    Wow... that's Great....
Wait.... it's price will also increase if you buy laptop of matte display!

Q. What is IPS display? Should I go for it...
    Sometimes when you see display of your laptop from side view you won't be able to see it clearly, brightness will become dull. 

    In these case you have laptop of non-ips display.
    But if you have good budget and you want to watch movies with family, friends or want to give presentation from laptop then I recommend you to buy laptop with ips display. It will give you more sharper, brighter with good viewing angle.

5. Laptop for impressing people

If you want to buy a laptop to impress people then these things you must have in your laptop...
  • Touchscreen
  • Fingerprint print scanner
  • 180°-360° rotation of screen
  • 2-in-1 laptops
    • Convertible and detachable
  •  Google assistant -Alexa
  • Bezel-less display

6. Keyboard

If you want to use your laptop at night more...
Then you must buy laptop with backlit keyboard.

Q. What is these backlit keyboard?
If your laptop have backlit keyboard then at night you can turn on a back light so that you can easily type or else you want to able to see your keyboard.
It will be very useful for me...

7. Ports

Ports are the plugs where you plug your devices like pendrive, mobile etc.
Q. Which are the types of ports?
    There are too many types of ports but generally you will see ports are...
  • Type - A: In these you can plug your mobile, pendrive...
  • Type - C: Now this comes in every mobile and it is announced as offical charger plug for all mobiles.
  • Memory card slot
  • HDMI: Used to plug in your T.V., projector
  • VGA: Which can connect your tv and moniter
  • Thunder bolt: This is new technology which is the fastest connector similar to type C
More bigger the size of laptop more the number of ports 

8. Battery and heating problem

 One thing you need to accept before buying a new laptop is that, 
"Your Laptop is going to heat and your battery life will reduce".  
It also depends on which type of software's you run in your laptop 

9. Online vs Offline

Q. Should I buy laptop online or offline?
    you can buy from that which offers you the best price. 

Q. How could I know that who offers me the best price?
    For that you need to check on some popular ecommerce websites like amazon and flipkart. Go there and note the price of your model which you want to buy then, go offline ask directly the shopkeeper in what price they gives you your specific model. 

    Sometimes, offline gives you on more price specially those offers accessories with laptop. You want to buy laptop not accessories. accessories you can also buy even in more cheapest price. They can count Rs. 3-4k of accessories.

So, I have to go for laptop not accessories.     

10. Brands

Q. Which brand/company is better in laptops?
    You can buy laptop of any brand which offers you the best price.
But wait...
    It doesn't mean to "ANY BRAND" buy laptops of only those companies whose name you might have heard somewhere.

Because nobody is making their own processors and all that.
See the configuration they offers you.

11. Extended warranty 

If you are going to use your laptop 12-15 Hrs then you must buy extended warranty if they offers you in best price.

12. Reviews

Before buying any laptop don't forget to check reviews to understand about the performance of laptop.
Q. Where can I check reviews?
    You can check reviews on e-commerce websites. But if you get from your any good friend then that will be honest hand on review because on e-commerce websites some fake reviews are also  available. So, be  aware from fake reviews.

Final tips on How to buy a laptop?

Step 1. Choose your purpose
Step 2. Fix your budget
Step 3. Mark the things which you need and which you don't as per discussed above and in my video click on me
Step 4. Note down your top 10-15 laptop
Step 5. Start Eliminating by comparing price and reviews
Step 6. Last but not least.. If you want to say thanks to me then, Don't forget to share this with your friends who are going to buy a new laptop and also subscribe my you tube channel!!
because this all I had written after research 9-10 months and observing the current scenario.   

For your every F&Q's check my blog... 
Still, I'm here to suggest you buy the best laptop you can ask me on Instagram: \techtalke shuhand the comment section is also there for you!!
