You can say "The Most Secure Future Of Internet !"

Which is the major problem on the internet?

Well, I guess your answer will point to

It doesn't matter whether he/she is poor or rich, popular or unpopular.

The title "The Most Secure Future Of Internet !" doesn't mean to say "IT IS NOT HACKABLE!" I mean to say, it is too difficult to hack the ecosystem of that.


Which things are not on this platform?

--->>No advertising
--->>No Tracking
--->>No Artificial Intelligence
--->>No Data collection
--->>No Facebook
--->>No Telegram

Read this article to understand WHY I SAID THIS....

Here I'm talking about an ecosystem which is called as "UTOPIA" you can say it as a software which you can download from the website Click here
For a few mins. come back to the major problem on the internet to analyze why we have to use UTOPIA?

Ex. Generally, every website is asking for email id, your name, birth year, Gender, mobile no. and too many things. Now, DOES ANY COMPANY GIVES ANY GUARANTEE THAT THEY WILL NOT SALE YOUR DATA ANYWHERE OR THEY WILL NOT USE YOUR PERSONAL DATA?
Now, just think. To create any social media account I just need to enter this informations\data. So, anyone can create fake accounts also and they are doing! You may have also heard that databases of popular companies are also hacked or sold to the advertiser and earning billions.


But you will be shocked after reading the article written below---

 The developer is anonymous they are not relieved the name of any developer they call themselves "1984 GROUP"  group of network technology. They are calming that all the data's there will be encrypted. they took 6 years to develop and still working on it. It is said that within few years they will also develop an app for it. To eliminate any impact on the projects, developers of utopia will forever remain anonymous.

Encrypted things on UTOPIA:

  • Messages - text, voice
  • E-mails
  • Payments by its own currency
  • Private web browsing -->> idyll (It feels like torr)
  • Secure storage / High speed encryption - (256-bit) AES and curve25519
  • Anonymous - Your IP address and identity
  • No server- Decentralized p2p

p2p technology ensures that your network activity, including surfing, cannot be tracked or your activity, including surfing, cannot be tracked as all network is protected by super secure Curve25519 High-speed elliptical curve cryptography.

It stores locally in your PC.  Your UTOPIA account cannot be accessed without your encrypted container and password

Things you can do in UTOPIA...

  • Send text, voice encryption
  • stickers-smilies
  • Transfer files
  • Run channels-which is geotagged using umaps
  • newsfeed
  • create group chat
  • private discussion
  • built-in uwallet  "Crypton" - pay using crypto cards
  • multiplayer games
  • built-in image viewer

At last but not least you change theme dark mode is also available.
You can also develop games by using its SDK by anonymous.

It is not open source but they may disclose some part of code But you can recall your olden days if you have been ever working on win95 or WinXP.

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