Google paper phone

Google 'Paper Phone'

Today's day everything is digital from the thing you want to buy, want to go somewhere or to pa anywhere everything is done through a smartphone. Too many people are addicted to mobile phones as even if they did not receive any notification then also they will unlock their phone and keep checking whether any notifications will come or not! To overcome this addiction google has launched a "paper Phone" to tackle the phone addiction.

How does it work?

In this app, you can print on the paper what you want to print from your smartphone which is printable to a personal booklet. Apps that you can print are like notes, important contacts, maps, and many more. Google will also launch paper apps for it. The code for the app is available on Github "for people to play with and hopefully adapt and evolve", said Google in a blog post.

Google said it is just an experiment and it is not the first attempt at Digital Detox but Android OS on smartphones comes with Digital well-being features that are aimed at helping people to get rid of mobile addiction.
