Google is secretly collecting millions of health records

Google is collecting millions of health records

Google is working with the country's second-largest hospital system Ascension to store and analyze the data of millions of patients to improve the medical services with the help of Artificial intelligence. Ascension operates 150 hospitals in 20 states and the district of Columbia. According to NYTimes the data of all Ascension patients could eventually be uploaded to Google's cloud computing platform

Two organizations are testing the software by the specific data and create a graph of information like a blood test. Google wants to let the people use artificial intelligence to read electronic health records and then try to predict or more quickly identify medical conditions.

Under the Ascension partnership, Google employees have access to patient data like name, date of birth, illness, race..etc.

The anonymous whistleblower on social media daily motion posted a video that contains a document dump of hundreds of images of confidential files relating to Project Nightingale. The secret scheme, first reported by the wall street journal, involves the transfer to google of health care data head by Ascension The data is being transferred with full personal details including name and medical history and can be accessed by google staff.
It is legal to share the medical information of the patient but patients don't have trust on Google as it had paid multiple fines for violating privacy laws.

Tariq Shaukat, the president of Google Cloud, said in the statement that by working with groups like Ascension, “we hope to transform the delivery of health care.”

Ascension did not respond to questions about how many patient records had already been transferred to Google Cloud.
